The Planeteers

Marry - from southeast Asia, Gi... with the power of Water.
Though I don't really go for Asians, she's cute... I guess... Has a nice little Mia Wallace haircut... Mia Wallace was an okay wife, right? She's Asian, so I wouldn't get flack for this choice from my family... or racists, either. Seems like a win-win all the way around. My folks would be all, "Ooooooohhhhhh.... ching chong, Gi." (It means, "I love you.") And she has the power of water... I don't even know where I'm going with that, but it sounds like it'd be fun.
Boff - from the Soviet Union, Linka... with the power of Wind.
To me, this requires the least amount of thought. She's the hot blonde one who has a Russian accent... and she's a dirty, rotten commie. There's something forbidden and dangerous about it, right? Here, I wrote out our banter...
Me: So... is this our Sputnik moment?
Linka: Go avay. I detest you, American svine.
Me: Sure, I'll go away... with all these nuclear secrets.
Linka: ...Vat do you vant?
Me: Well, why don't you use that power ring of yours and blow me... a kiss?
Kill - from North America, Wheeler... with the power of Fire.
So, three dudes to kill, and I can only pick one. I figure this... if I killed Kwame (from Africa) or Ma-Ti (from Brazil... who has the power of heart... and looks to be shirtless in his picture... ), either could be construed as a hate crime. But with Wheeler... Really the driving force would be that I could have his ring... and who doesn't love fire!?
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